The Ultimate New Zealand Travel Guide


Travel Tips

Working While traveling

About This Site

New Zealand

We want to be your New Zealand travel guide! In 2022, we spent fourteen weeks roadtripping and working our way across New Zealand. During that time, we had become real experts at how to navigate the country successfully as a traveler on a budget. We really felt that we were “living” the New Zealand life. After spending so much time there, we have a ton of knowledge to share to anyone who’s interested in going. We love that country and love sharing about it! Because of this, you’ll find that most of our content on this guide is New Zealand related.

Other Travel Tips

In addition to New Zealand we traveled to five other countries for shorter amounts of time. While we do not feel like complete experts in all of these countries, we do have some great tips and travel expertise to relay to you. This site will be focused on the best way to travel in New Zealand. However, it will include pages with general travel tips and specifics of the other countries we visited as well.

Who Are We

Our names are Jordan and Kenna Perez. We are a young married couple from North Carolina. In the fall of 2022, we quit our jobs, moved our things into storage, and flew across the world to start a six month long adventure journey of our dreams. We travelled in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Italy. Jordan had also travelled previously in Iceland, Argentina, and Chile, as well as Italy and Thailand.

However, the country we love most and feel we know best is New Zealand. We road-tripped, camped, worked, and backpacked our away across the stunning islands of New Zealand. We adored every moment of course of fourteen weeks traveling the country. During our time there we got a great handle on how to experience New Zealand, and we want to pass experience and knowledge on to anyone who wants to learn.

We love to travel in new places, try new things, and meet new people. But we are also heavily budget-minded and wanted to use our dollars intentionally to get the most out of our time there. If you are like us, we think you’ll get a ton of value out of the practical knowledge we offer here, and we hope to help you along your journey!

Note To Readers

A few notes before we get started. I (Jordan) will be doing the majority of the actual writing here, but all the knowledge I write about here comes from both of us together. Kenna did an immense amount of research and planning as well, and we absolutely shared work load for this trip together. Also, I am an American, and will be writing mostly from the perspective of an American traveler. Whenever I talk about pricing, I’ll be referring to the American dollar unless I specify otherwise. I’ll be using miles as a measurement of distance, and be comparing a lot of New Zealand commodity prices to American ones. However, my goal is to make 95% or more of the information and advice I give in these articles to be applicable to travelers from any country who want to visit New Zealand.

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